Qu’est-ce qu’un anévrisme ? C’est une dilatation anormale d’une artère due à une faiblesse de la paroi du vaisseau sanguin. Cette faiblesse peut entraîner la formation d’une poche ou d’une …
jamel MOUHLI
Appareil circulatoire pathologieArtère pathologieAthéroscléroseCentre d’apprentissageChirurgieechodopplerTraitementVaisseau sanguin pathologie
L’aorte : La plus grande artère du corps et les dangers de l’athérosclérose
by jamel MOUHLIby jamel MOUHLI 22 minutes readL’aorte est la plus grosse artère du corps. Partant du cœur, elle achemine le sang vers les jambes en passant par le thorax et l’abdomen. Elle décrit d’abord un trajet ascendant puis …
Importance du bilan vasculaire avant chirurgie hépato-pancréatique L’ischémie mésentérique aiguë est une interruption du flux sanguin intestinal provoquée par une embolie, une thrombose ou un bas débit. Elle entraîne un …
World News
Elon Musk and brother under investigation for alleged insider trading
by jamel MOUHLIby jamel MOUHLI 0 minutes readLight pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …
Djokovic to be overtaken as world No 1 by Medvedev after Dubai loss
by jamel MOUHLIby jamel MOUHLI 0 minutes readLight pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …
Post-18 funding: changes and their effects on advance education
by jamel MOUHLIby jamel MOUHLI 0 minutes readLight pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …
The Crown’s jewels stolen in Yorkshire raid on TV show’s vehicles
by jamel MOUHLIby jamel MOUHLI 0 minutes readLight pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …
Hustle and hype: the truth about the influencer economy these days
by jamel MOUHLIby jamel MOUHLI 0 minutes readLight pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …
World News
Western powers have realised Russia is largely immune to sanctions
by jamel MOUHLIby jamel MOUHLI 0 minutes readLight pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …
Australia’s F1 star Oscar: ‘I want to get there on merit, not buy a seat’
by jamel MOUHLIby jamel MOUHLI 0 minutes readLight pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …